Breitling Slide Rule Manual
U/3/U3757/U3757FS_583c0ad5b1544.jpg?w=191&auto=format&fm=jpg&q=55&usm=50&usmrad=1.5&dpr=2&h=191&fit=clamp' alt='Breitling Slide Rule Manual' title='Breitling Slide Rule Manual' />Slide rule Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A typical ten inch student slide rule Pickett N9. T simplex trigThe slide rule, or slipstick,1 is a mechanical analog computer. The slide rule is used mainly for multiplication and division, and also for scientific functions such as roots, logarithms and trigonometry, but usually not for addition or subtraction. Breitling Slide Rule Manual' title='Breitling Slide Rule Manual' />There are many different styles of slide rules. They are usually linear or circular. They have a standardised set of markings called scales. These scales are used for mathematical computations. Some slide rules have been made for special use, as for aviation or finance. Those slide rules have special scales for those applications, as well as normal scales. William Oughtred and others developed the slide rule in the 1. The slide rule is based on the work on logarithms by John Napier. Before electronic calculators were developed, slide rules were the tool used most often in science and engineering. The use of slide rules continued to grow through the 1. A slide rule positioned so as to multiply by 2. Each number on the D bottom scale is double the number above it on the C middle scale. Hot spots Hot spots Hot spots Hot spots. In the early 1950s, a trend began that would continue until the arrival of battery powered quartz movements in the early 1970s. Wristwatch movements had increased in. Discover a large selection of Breitling Chronomat watches on Chrono24 the worldwide marketplace for luxury watches. Compare all Breitling Chronomat watches Buy. In its most basic form, the slide rule uses two logarithmic scales to allow rapid multiplication and division of numbers. These common operations can be time consuming and error prone when done on paper. More complex slide rules allow other calculations, such as square roots, exponentials, logarithms, and trigonometric functions. Mathematical calculations are done by aligning a mark on the sliding central strip with one on one of the fixes strips. The 10 Most Legendary Watches you can still buy today 20032007 ElegantLifestyle Ltd. All rights reserved. There are the very best watches, the very rare watches. E48wymp6drs/WCmxngXjFRI/AAAAAAAABmk/5_1dD7qN0LYaTSEESP9P-HU1ZMJPprSgQCK4B/s1600/2.jpg' alt='Breitling Slide Rule Manual' title='Breitling Slide Rule Manual' />
The relative position of other marks can then be observed. Numbers aligned with the marks give the approximate value of the product, quotient, or other calculated result. The user determines the location of the decimal point in the result, based on mental estimation. Scientific notation is used to track the decimal point in more formal calculations. Addition and subtraction steps in a calculation are generally done mentally or on paper, not on the slide rule. Most slide rules have three linear strips of the same length. The strips are aligned in parallel and interlocked so that the central strip can be moved lengthwise relative to the other two. The outer two strips are fixed so that their relative positions do not change. Some slide rules duplex models have scales on both sides of the rule and slide strip, others on one side of the outer strips and both sides of the slide strip, still others on one side only simplex rules. Ragnarok Npc Scripts. A sliding cursor with a vertical alignment line is used to find corresponding points on scales that are not next to each other or, in duplex models, are on the other side of the rule. The cursor can also record an intermediate result on any of the scales. Using a slide rule for calculationchange change sourceA logarithm transforms the operations of multiplication and division to addition and subtraction according to the rules logxylogxlogydisplaystyle logxylogxlogy and logxylogxlogydisplaystyle logxylogx logy. Moving the top scale to the right by a distance of logxdisplaystyle logx, by matching the beginning of the top scale with the label xdisplaystyle x on the bottom, aligns each number ydisplaystyle y, at position logydisplaystyle logy on the top scale, with the number at position logxlogydisplaystyle logxlogy on the bottom scale. Because logxlogylogxydisplaystyle logxlogylogxy, this position on the bottom scale gives xydisplaystyle xy, the product of xdisplaystyle x and ydisplaystyle y. For example, to calculate 32, the 1 on the top scale is moved to the 2 on the bottom scale. The answer, 6, is read off the bottom scale where 3 is on the top scale. In general, the 1 on the top is moved to a factor on the bottom, and the answer is read off the bottom where the other factor is on the top. Operations may go off the scale for example, the diagram above shows that the slide rule has not positioned the 7 on the upper scale above any number on the lower scale, so it does not give any answer for 27. In such cases, the user may slide the upper scale to the left until its right index aligns with the 2, effectively multiplying by 0. Here the user of the slide rule must remember to adjust the decimal point appropriately to correct the final answer. We wanted to find 27, but instead we calculated 0. So the true answer is not 1. Resetting the slide is not the only way to handle multiplications that would result in off scale results, such as 27 some other methods are 1 Use the double decade scales A and B. Use the folded scales. In this example, set the left 1 of C opposite the 2 of D. Move the cursor to 7 on CF, and read the result from DF. Use the CI inverted scale. Position the 7 on the CI scale above the 2 on the D scale, and then read the result off of the D scale, below the 1 on the CI scale. Since 1 occurs in two places on the CI scale, one of them will always be on scale. Use both the CI inverted scale and the C scale. Line up the 2 of CI with the 1 of D, and read the result from D, below the 7 on the C scale. Method 1 is easy to understand, but entails a loss of precision. Method 3 has the advantage that it only involves two scales. The illustration below demonstrates the computation of 5. The 2 on the top scale is placed over the 5. The 1 on the top scale lies above the quotient, 2. There is more than one method for doing division, but the method presented here has the advantage that the final result cannot be off scale, because one has a choice of using the 1 at either end. In addition to the logarithmic scales, some slide rules have other mathematical functions encoded on other auxiliary scales. The most popular were trigonometric, usually sine and tangent, common logarithm log. Some rules include a Pythagorean scale, to figure sides of triangles, and a scale to figure circles. Others feature scales for calculating hyperbolic functions. On linear rules, the scales and their labeling are highly standardized, with variation usually occurring only in terms of which scales are included and in what order A, Btwo decade logarithmic scales, used for finding square roots and squares of numbers. C, Dsingle decade logarithmic scales. Kthree decade logarithmic scale, used for finding cube roots and cubes of numbers. CF, DFfolded versions of the C and D scales that start from rather than from unity these are convenient in two cases. First when the user guesses a product will be close to 1. Second, by making the start rather than the square root of 1. CI, DI, DIFinverted scales, running from right to left, used to simplify 1x steps. Sused for finding sines and cosines on the D scale. Tused for finding tangents and cotangents on the D and DI scales. ST, SRTused for sines and tangents of small angles and degreeradian conversion. La linear scale, used along with the C and D scales for finding base 1. LLna set of log log scales, used for finding logarithms and exponentials of numbers. Lna linear scale, used along with the C and D scales for finding natural base e logarithms and exdisplaystyle exThe Binary Slide Rule manufactured by Gilson in 1. There are single decade C and D, double decade A and B, and triple decade K scales.